Owned & Managed by Lauren Jankelowitz

Lauren holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Work (Cum Laude) from Wits University; an MBA from the Wits Business School, focusing on NPO accountability & transparency resulting in sustainability; & a PhD from the Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), University of Pretoria, in social enterprise growth, scale & business model change.

Who I am?

With 27 years’ experience in founding, fixing, strengthening & managing NPOs & social enterprises, Lauren has raised over R180 million in funding for various organisations. Lauren also has more than 20 years’ experience in training organisations in impact measurement, program design, Theory of Change, fundraising & donor liaison, business model adaptation, governance, the South African Legislative Framework, systems theory , stakeholder management, & how to identify opportunities for green &/ social entrepreneurship.


Lauren works with a group of consultants who have various technical skills in Brand Development, Marketing Strategy, Communications, Public Relations, Design, IT (website development, database building, Learner Management System building & maintenance), M&E, Content Development & Training, Business Development, Fundraising & Financial Management, dependent on specific needs. Lauren has worked with each for at least a decade.


Dr Lauren Jankelowitz Consulting will attend to immediate problems & concerns. We will then provide long-term strategic value that helps you &/ your organisation to grow. Finally, we can provide most specialized, expert services to nonprofit organisations, social businesses, social enterprises & donor agencies. Services include: Developing a Fundraising Strategy, including a wide range of specialized campaign types; Proposal Writing; Development of alternative business models; Major giving & Fundraising prospect research support; Grants Management & Mentoring staff in this role; Strategic Planning to suit your organisation’s needs, Program Planning, Theory of Change development, building viable logic framework/s, impact measurement planning & M&E system-building; Brand Strategy development, including Marketing Strategy, Social Media Strategy, Advocacy Strategy, etc.; Referral to partner/s for technology strategy & solution implementation; Referral to partner/s for Internal Support, e.g., accounting or HR; Partner relationship management, establishing plan for long-term management & mentoring staff in this role; Program Design, Management, Reporting; Capacity building, team building, training/skills development, mentoring; Working with specific donors e.g. USAID, CDC, EU, Unitaid; Developing organisational policies (per donor requirements); BoD development: governance, committee structures, role descriptions, training, compliance, & crisis management, that meets & exceeds all industry standards; Social Entrepreneurship training, establishing, implementing & evaluating new business model/s/piloting new strategies; Manager development, coaching, mentoring & support; Administration: writing strategic documents, developing organisation constitution/MoI, applying to DSD for NPO registration/CIPC for NPC registration/SARS for PBO status; BBBEE strategy & compliance; Donor assistance to identify, contract & monitor community-based organisations.