CEO/ED Experience image
Southern African HIV Clinicians Society [SAHCS] (Jan 2012-Mar 2022);
LifeLine Johannesburg (Jul 2010-Dec 2011)
Community AIDS Response [CARe] (Jan 2000-Sept 2006)
Job Description: Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director

* Provide consistent, inspirational leadership
* Implementation of (new) systems, policies, procedures
* Facilitation & management of change process/es
* Development of programs, materials, people in order to deliver effective services
* Growing the base membership &/or volunteer network/s
* Creative marketing of the organisation & the services offered
* Innovation focus: in products, services, delivery mechanisms, funding models
* Thought leadership including development of materials, content design, training facilitation, talks, workshops, Journal Clubs, classroom teaching sessions for staff development & as part of service delivery
* Provision of student (PhD, MPhil, MBA, 4th year Social Work), internship (admin, digital, marketing) & staff supervision/mentorship, development & consultation
* Design & implement evidence-based advocacy plan/s that result in policy change;
* Develop & implement transition plan/s to social enterprise, program/s, & development of risk reduction plan/s
* Produce business strategies & plans for organisation as-a-whole, projects, consortia, programs etc. to address the various deliverables assigned to the CEO/Exec leadership:
--> Fund raising
--> Growing programs
--> Leadership
--> Employee management & growth, including day-to-day management of staff, inter- organisational, inter-disciplinary teams/projects;
* Have business strategies/plans reviewed & signed off by the Board; make any changes required by the board; once business plan signed off, produce strategy to implement business plan
* Communicate strategy to employees
* Manage deliverables as depicted in business plan, make adjustments as required & report back on achievement of business plan goals
* Work with each project manager to develop sound strategy for each project organisation involved in
* Incorporate each project strategy into overall company strategy with focus on correct use of donor funding at all times
* Work with Project Managers to identify key program gaps & mechanisms to address these
* Review proposals, budgets, donor reports, internal reports, etc. prepared by the Project Managers
* Implement monitoring strategies for existing & new projects
* Review reports from each project & collate these into high-level reports for Board review
* Work with Project Managers to develop budgets for each proposal & donor & ensure this meets requirements of proposal & donor
* Work with Project Managers to ensure each budget & actual spend follows requirements of proposals submitted & approved
* Provide oversight to all project budgets & provide a point of escalation for Project Managers
* Roll all project budgets into overarching organisational budget & manage this budget
* Use good governance when managing the budget & ensure correct financial principles followed at all times; ensure good governance when using donor funding so that if audited, everything is above board
* Manage finances of organisation to ensure sufficient funds to pay overheads & project requirements; before end funding, ensure new funding secured to make sure organisation able to continue core services
* Ensure fully functional Finance policy/team/process for organisation
* Work with the Finance Team to recon budgets monthly to ensure that everything is on track
* Work with the Finance Team to report back to the Board & donors as required on the utilization of funds, actual spend, variances to budget & alert them to any anomalies or changes that need to be addressed
* Work with the Finance Team to submit to audits annually
* Produce an annual/biennial plan for fundraising
* Execute on the fundraising plan/actively participate in fundraising
* Develop relationships externally with key people/companies that can be harnessed for potential funds/other resources
* Ensure good, solid relationships are developed with existing & new/potential Donors & harness these relationships continuously to ensure funding continues
* Conduct strategic stakeholder liaison including government, media, donors, business, other NPOs; design community engagement processes, conduct community engagement, serve as community liaison
* Produce a donor communication strategy as per the requirements of each donor/proposal; ensure all donors are communicated to at agreed to, regular intervals so that they remain informed - this is dictated to by the proposal/agreement signed with the donor
* Ensure all requirements are met for donor funding & report back to donors at agreed to intervals, per required format & timeframe
* Produce reports for the board as per the agreed to timeframe to ensure that board is informed of the happenings in each project & how the donor funds are being utilised
* Conduct ongoing financial & funds management, donor liaison, sponsor liaison, stakeholder management
* Develop risk management plans, sustainability models & plans
* Ensure administration is fully functional for the organisation
* Ensure fully functional HR policy/team/process for the organisation
* Ensure the organisation is correctly staffed to meet the strategy & business plan
* Review all job ads that go out for new positions
* Conduct final interviews with potential senior staff
* Review & sign off offers for new senior employees
* Ensure Payroll is handled correctly monthly & all employees receive their salaries
* Ensure all statutory requirements are completed annually: WSP, SDL, EE etc
* Ensure a succinct performance management system is put into place, updated, & rolled out for all employees
* Present the results of the performance management system to decide on contact extensions, increases & bonuses to the Board for approval
* Ensure employees are communicated to regarding contract extensions, increases & bonuses timeously
* Ensure all HR issues, Labour issues, right-sizing or changes to employment due to operational requirements are handled correctly - the HR manager & COO can be used to conduct this but the ultimate responsibility lies with the CEO
* When a new employee starts, ensure a meet and greet is scheduled to induct the employee into the organisation
* Ensure the employee has all the tools for functioning optimally in the organisation - this may be done by another employee but the CEO must provide oversight to this
* Develop the values & corporate culture of the organisation and drive this through the organisation to all employees